(too old to reply)
2013-04-13 14:32:27 UTC
The Most Powerful E Mailer & Ad Submitter on The Internet
2013-04-15 00:27:36 UTC
Post by Bobby
The Most Powerful E Mailer & Ad Submitter on The Internet
REDHOTMAILER.COM has #559,946 rank on the internet. This rank shows
site's popularity. Lower rank means more visitors that site gets. This
website is estimated to get 121 unique visitors per day. These unique
visitors make 459 pageviews. We estimate that this website earns at
least $1.42 USD per day with advertising revenues so it can be valued at
least $1 273 USD. This site has a 0/10 PageRank. It has 7 249 backward
links from 94 domains, 0 backward links from .edu domains and 0 links
from .gov domains. IP address of this site is We detected
that the average page load time of this website is 0.21 seconds. We give
this domain a SEO score of 30/100. Last update: Sunday 14th of April 2013


Site Title: RedHotMailer.com
Alexa Rank: #559 946
Pagerank: 0/10
Yandex CY: 0
Backward Links: 7 249
Unique Domains Backward Links: 94
Backward links from .Edu sites: 0
Backward links from .Gov sites: 0
Load Time: 0.21 Seconds
Daily Visitors: 121
Daily Pageviews: 459
Seo Score: 30
Daily Revenue: $1.42
Website Worth: $1,273
Primary Country: United States
Alexa Rank in Primary Country: #355080
IP Address:
Server Location: , United States

HTML Analysis
HTML Size: 15.10 Kb External Links: 1
Internal Links: 3 H1 Tags: 0
H2 Tags: 0 H3 Tags: 0
H4 Tags: 1 H5 Tags: 0
H6 Tags: 0 Iframe: 0
Scripts: 12 Objects: 1
Forms: 0 Total Images: 8

Alexa Traffic Analysis

REDHOTMAILER.COM is ranked #559,946 on the internet. This rank shows
site's popularity. Lower rank means more visitors that site gets. Most
of users come to this website from United States. This website is ranked
#355,080 in United States. It has 121 visitors per day, and has 459
pageviews per day. Click on the tabs below to get more info.

Country Traffic
Subdomains Visitors
Top Keywords

No. Country % Traffic Daily Visitors
1. United States 28.4% 34

Query Popularity & Competition

Query Popularity is an estimate of how frequently users search for
keywords, on a scale from 0 to 100. Higher numbers indicate higher
frequency of searches.

Competition indicates advertising competition for a query based on
number of ads displayed for keyword searches on major search engines.
Both indexes use scale from 0 to 100.

No. Query Query Popularity Competition
1. red hot 30 14
2. mailer 32 21
3. how it works 35 13
4. mailer.com 14 20

HTTP Header Analysis
Here you can see HTTP header of redhotmailer.com response.

Date : Mon, 15 Apr 2013 00:19:42 GMT
Server : Apache
X-Powered-By : PHP/5.3.18
Expires : Thu, 19 Nov 1981 08:52:00 GMT
Cache-Control : no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate, post-check=0,
Pragma : no-cache
Transfer-Encoding : chunked
Content-Type : text/html

Website Metas Analysis
We found 1 meta tags on redhotmailer.com.

We found that the main page of redhotmailer.com has 1 external links and
3 internal links.
